Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! We handed over analyses on an infection with the husband, all is pure or clean, tolk...

07.07.2004, 19:22
The dear doctor!
We handed over analyses on an infection with the husband, all is pure or clean, only have found out TSMV + ++ (took on the analysis a blood, then soskob, a saliva and urine). In decoding + ++ the latent form, relapse of chronic illness or disease " means ". How to treat have not told or said, have told or said, that will precisely describe, when we shall join in report EKO + IKSI. Can vse-taki it is necessary earlier? How? Whether It is necessary also to the husband to be treated (we in fact we not begin to kiss less and so on). How treatment for a long time helps or assists, in fact TSMV it is possible to suppress only, instead of to remove? Many thanks for consultation.

Kamenetskij B.A.
08.07.2004, 15:40
Olga! I think, that one is a question not of disease, and about presence of antibodies to TSMV in a blood, what not and too. It is necessary for you to specify Ig kakokogo a class are revealed and in what credit.