Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Now I plan pregnancy, but at my spouse vr...

30.06.2004, 20:16
Good afternoon! Now I plan pregnancy, but at my spouse a congenital hemolitic anemia, the lien in the age of seven years is removed. The same diagnosis at its or his mother, however its or his sister is healthy. At my mother an iron deficiency anemia. At me with a blood all in norm or rate. It would be desirable to know, whether there is in my case a risk to give birth to the unhealthy child, with the same diagnosis, as my spouse? To me of 27 years, the spouse my coeval. Thanks.

02.07.2004, 01:32
Vo-the first address in the hematological center where the spouse, with the purpose of finding-out what of forms of a hemolitic anemia at your spouse is observed. Knowing the form, it is possible raschitat risk and if you live in Moscow, Ufa, Novosibirsk or Kazan and to spend molekuljarno-genetic researches of 100 % diagnosing diseases at a fetus.

04.07.2004, 23:24
Thanks for the answer! But my spouse anywhere naboljudaetsja as feels well. Which form of disease, he does not remember, we have found in its or his children's map only " a congenital hemolitic anemia ". I Live in Kazan, prompt, pozh-hundred, where exactly it is possible to pass or take place such inspection and on what term it is possible to diagnose a fetus. Thanks!

08.07.2004, 13:06
Hello Margarita. Address to manager. Kazan mediko-the genetic center - to Arthur Shamilevichu. Send the regards from Sankt-Petersburg and tell or say in what your problem. He will help or assist.