Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me pregnancy for 6 7 weeks has stood (it is my the first and ...

LARISA 24 years
06.07.2004, 07:32
Hello. At me pregnancy for 6 7 weeks has stood (it is my the first and
dolgozhdanaja pregnancy) on July, 14th at me was cleaning. Monthly at me were
nereguljarnami (can be iz-for raised or increased Testosteron-Depotum).
When should it is begun monthly and through what time to start to try again
beremennit? In advance thanks.

Malanova T.B.
08.07.2004, 05:40
If at you the cycle was irregular when to wait a menses difficultly to tell or say, though the US in dynamics or changes can help or assist with it or this. You now should be protected, pass or protected, take place high-grade inspection on nevynashivaniju. Considering giperandrogeniju to leave independently on pregnancy. Without hormonal treatment it is impossible for you.