Просмотр полной версии : To me of 27 years. At me erosion shejki uteruses (about 21 years). Now she became dovol...

04.07.2004, 09:50
To me of 27 years. At me erosion shejki uteruses (about 21 years).
Now she became enough the big 2, 5 sm in diameter.
I plan pregnancy in a year. The gynecologist insists on a compulsory treatment of erosion. I heard, that now not given birth or not travailled do not cauterize erosion as it can cause or call cicatrixes, and shejka uteruses will not reveal during sorts or labors.
I do not know how to be: to obey the doctor or to wait as early as a year + 9 months, to give birth to the child, and then to be engaged in treatment of erosion.
What can happen for these two years?

05.07.2004, 14:26
Erosion can become an initial stage of a cancer. This main thing, that threatens you. Do not cauterize erosion not given birth or not travailled up to 24 h years. Or if a status of erosion harmless. Apparently from your case, at you just all on the contrary. Therefore it is better to treat erosion. After cauterization to become pregnant recommend not earlier, than in year, here your plans coincide. Whether there will be cicatrixes, in advance nobody will be charged, but their presence, as well as neraskrytie shejki at sorts or labors - not 100 % the fact. Weigh for itself still time all pro and contra. Esteem about stages of erosion in any poiskovike.

07.07.2004, 11:46
You know, Alain, me 21 year and this spring to me cauterized erosion by means of the laser. It was surveyed and passed or took place treatment in very good hospital. Before I did not give birth or travail, so if you do not know, do not mislead other people! I advise Valery to you urgently to cauterize and to not deliberate at all. I in general am surprised, that the doctor you still ugavarivaet when in that case cauterization is done or made immediately. IT NOT JOKES is so much years to live with erosion. Here - to an occasion of pregnancy: with my stage the doctor forbade to me beremennit, yet prizhgut erosion. As I already wrote to me prizhgli in the spring, and now I already on 10 week of pregnancy. Do not forget, if you not prizhgete up to pregnancy erosion can be passed the child. I consider or count, that here even there is nothing to weigh. Urgently to the doctor and to cauterize!

08.07.2004, 03:07
Now there are methods not leaving cicatrixes. For the decision of a question on treatment the biopsy shejki uteruses with histological research for definition of character of erosion is done or made. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.