Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To me of 38 years, four years ago to me presumably on US with...

07.07.2004, 01:19
Hello! To me 38 years, four years ago presumably on US have diagnosed me an adenomyosis and my attending physician began to speak about excision of all! I have been shocked by it or this and did not visit or attend the gynecologist till last year. In proshlomgodu to me have suggested to insert a spiral "Mirena", but at me a basic disease gemorogichesky a vasculitis and more mixed bronchial asthma. And I was afraid. To me as alternative have suggested to accept Vicasolum simply.
Today I have made US - attributes of an endometriosis of a uterus of 2 degrees. I in full despair. Than I can be treated and that threatens me. My signs: disturbance of a cycle and plentiful allocation, a pain in a bottom of a stomach or belly, a pain in onalnom an aperture, an anemia. Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
07.07.2004, 19:21
It is possible with ginekologom-to speak the endocrinologist, after inspection at the therapist, hormonal therapy.