Просмотр полной версии : I am pregnant on 15 week. My working arterial pressure 90 60. posledn...

27.06.2004, 00:16
I am pregnant on 15 week. My working arterial pressure 90 60. The last some days have sharply grown pressure up to 120 80. What it is possible to accept preparations for pressure decline of pregnant women what there would be no side effects?

30.06.2004, 09:33
With such rising pressure it is necessary to address to the doctor! Only he will appoint or nominate correct updating pressure in view of the possible or probable reasons of its or his rising.

30.06.2004, 17:30
The doctor has appointed or nominated to me the Papaverine in nyxes in the morning and in the evening. But it or this suffices not for a long time. Thanks.

04.07.2004, 13:22
120/80 this normal pressure, " as at the cosmonaut ". If your state of health has not worsened (iz-that "your" pressure lowered), to undertake nothing is necessary. At me, for example, pressure so I felt awfully at this time has on the contrary gone down. So do not experience, all at you is good.

07.07.2004, 18:34
I up to pregnancy too had such pressure 90 60, and then as well as at you has raised or increased 120 80. This normal pressure.