Просмотр полной версии : At me 7 weeks of pregnancy, and I yet did not hand over any analysis! ska...

03.07.2004, 15:04
At me 7 weeks of pregnancy, and I yet did not hand over any analysis! Tell or say, it is necessary to hand over what analyses and in what terms? (that the nobility what to ask the doctor)

06.07.2004, 20:58
Me have put on the account in 6 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor has offered itself, usually it is done or made on term of 6 8 weeks, weighing, measurement of pressure, the sizes of a basin, survey on an armchair with opreleniem augmentations of a uterus this very day is made, smears undertake and directions (necessarily for all - the general or common analysis wet, bloods, a blood on definition of group and a rhesus, on a HIV, a lues, directions to the therapist, the oculist, the stomatologist, on a roentgenophotography for all members of the family living with you stand out; if there were chronic diseases - to corresponding or meeting experts; besides the direction to the venereologist just in case and on a blood for definition of antibodies to the infections dangerous to the kid) is given.
On all this leaves approximately 1, 5 2 weeks, then again to the doctor...
But if itself normally feel - do not hurry, allow an organism to be easy without doctors, hassle in turns and experiences in occasion of results of analyses even still nedelku... Success!

07.07.2004, 17:21
And you in general already visited or attended the doctor? That means - " what to ask it or him "??? The Doctor himself should direct you where it is necessary and to write out directions on corresponding or meeting analyses!