Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! 1. Whether it is possible to draw any conclusions by results of anal...

06.07.2004, 18:23
The dear doctor!
1. Whether it is possible to draw any conclusions by results of analyses? Term of 17 weeks. Beta HG 42717 (10000 35000), the Theelol 5, 9 (3 30), AFP 17 (17 65), 17 Oksiprogesteron 5, 2 (6, 1 - 14, 1). The analysis was done or made "just in case", and iz-that in 12 weeks there was a flu.
2. By results of the general or common analysis of a blood (19 weeks, 108) are registered to accept a hemoglobin maltofer. The course for a month costs or stands decently. Whether there is something replacing or really it is better to be spent? Thanks in advance.

Oshchepkova S.R.
07.07.2004, 13:57
Hypersecretion HGCH arises as a variant of norm or rate at multifetal, and as at the prolonged pregnancy. At definition of dropping of the maintenance or contents in a blood or egestion HGCH at the pregnant woman on 20 30 % from week norm or rate it is necessary to repeat the analysis. Depression of level Pg (OK) specifies presence of a pathology of pregnancy and demands replaceable therapy. The important problem is prenatal diagnostics of chromosomal diseases of a fetus, especially a syndrome of the Down meeting frequency 1/800. It is known, that at pregnancy a fetus with a syndrome of the Down level AFP in Serum of mother, as a rule, it is lowered and makes 0.6 from an average. Level HGCH raises or increases in 2.5 times and more from average value or meaning;importance even more authentically. Besides at an estimation of risk of a birth of the child with a syndrome of the Down, own risk of the woman sharply increasing or enlarged with the years is considered. So, for the woman of 40 years the age risk on a syndrome of the Down makes 1/50. Thus, depression of level AFP at rising level HGCH in maternal Serum is the indication for carrying out of invasive or aggressive prenatal diagnostics. (US + repetition of analyses). 2. sorbifer durulesk, ferrumgradumet, aktiferrin...