Просмотр полной версии : Hello the Doctor, My doctor has written out to me Ovcon-35 (norethindrone-0. 4mg...

06.07.2004, 20:37
Hello the Doctor,
My doctor has written out to me Ovcon-35 (norethindrone-0. 4mg; ethinyl estradiol-0. 035mg) as contraceptive tablets and just as promoting to help or assist me at my very morbid monthly periods.
Question: How these tablets are in your opinion good and than they are adverse?
Zarannee thanks, Alain

Soboleva L.I.
06.07.2004, 22:41
Dear Alain! These tablets are capable to provide reliable kontratseptsiiju and, probably, will reduce boli at a menses, will lower a hemorrhage. However, in my opinion if it is your first contraceptive it is better to begin with preparations with a smaller dose of estrogens. Possible or probable by-effects - as well as at other contraceptives: headaches, a nausea, rising of mass of a body and others.