Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy at the earliest stage of 3 weeks. To me of 20 years. I shall do or make abortion...

27.06.2004, 22:30
Pregnancy at the earliest stage of 3 weeks. To me of 20 years. I shall do or make abortion. Whether tell or say will damage or injure;hurt it in the future. Vse-taki children to have it would be desirable. Simply now not time. In 18 years there was an abortion.

29.06.2004, 14:00
It to predict or forecast it is impossible. Can, not poverdit, and can and to result or bring in sterility or barrenness. And it not always depends on the expert. To solve to you. Success.

29.06.2004, 20:37
It depends on a plenty of factors. From in what status there is your genesial system (and time was one abortion any more in absolutely ideal), from that, abortion (recommend vacuum miniabort - itself did or made, without consequences), when you then want to have the child it will be how much well made. From myself I shall tell or say to tell or say, that there are many women regretted subsequently about made abortion, but any, regretted, that has not made. Yes, if at you a negative rhesus - abortion is impossible in no event!

02.07.2004, 14:55
In greater number of cases it in the future harms, especially considering, that the first pregnancy has ended with an abortion, therefore, if is though the slightest chance sohranit-save. A trouble that not simply after abortions there can be an impossibility of pregnancy, but also that the probability nevynashivanija pregnancy (are important certainly and the reasons of the first abortion) is great. Esteem the previous answers to similar questions, they were the order several days ago, there in detail already expressed consequences.

05.07.2004, 14:31
Not time, such concept for a birth of the child does not exist. If all podgadyvat " not time " will be always. But it not the main thing. If you already had an abortion this obort is very dangerous. In a consequence you can not zaberemenit and if, give the god, it will turn out zaberemenit, can not bear or not take out it or him. So before podumajt, do not hurry. Can give birth to the child in time just now. Success.

06.07.2004, 13:52
Dear marina! 15 % of women after the first abortion more never become pregnant. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.