Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Your advice or council is very necessary. At me a chronic pyelonephritis. Not zna...

05.07.2004, 08:50
Hello. Your advice or council is very necessary. At me a chronic pyelonephritis. Not knowing about pregnancy, accepted a bearberry and corn ryltsa. Shortly before it or this is Nitroxolinum (4 times a day). How it can be reflected in a status of a fetus (pregnancy of 7 8 weeks)? And more a question. Whether there is any diet for pregnant women (a toxicosis of first half of pregnancy)? In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.07.2004, 11:04
If you accepted the specified preparations, yet did not know about pregnancy to not be reflected in any way.
At a toxicosis of pregnant women the delivery oldzhno to be fractional, the nutrition not hot not cold to exclude acute and fat, sweet waters, pitm nogo (up to 3 litres) liquids in day.