Просмотр полной версии : DEAR ALLA MIHAJLOVNA! On November, 21st, 2001 I have given birth, I nurse, men...

04.07.2004, 16:40
DEAR ALLA MIHAJLOVNA! On November, 21st, 2001 I have given birth, I nurse, the menses yet was not. Advise, please methods of contraception. If it is possible, tell more in detail about a spiral: 1) what and how to choose (" multiload Ku 375 ", Irlandija-good or not?) 2) when it is better to put? 3) what analyses and when it is necessary to hand over?

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.07.2004, 01:03
More in detail about VMK in archive Contraception, a column questions and answers. multiload good VMK with copper, seldom drops out, put not earlier than 8 weeks after sorts or labors after the analysis on flora (to hand over not less than for a week up to prredpolagaemogo introductions VMK) provided that there is no inflammation under analyses. Feeding mum can apply as mikroljut or ekskljuton