Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, the doctor. Read now " Questions and answers in conference " Prezerva...

02.07.2004, 20:36
Good afternoon, the doctor. Read now " Questions and answers in conference "Condom". Doctor Pasenjuk was mistaken, having told or said, that condoms happen only lateksnye. Condoms happen also poliuretanovye (from artificial polymers) and from natural membranes (intestines or a skin of animals). If there is an allergy on latex (iz-for insignificant presence in natural latex of fiber - less than 1 %), that, just for this purpose, exist the above-named condoms. Their plus that on them there is no allergy, but at them two appreciable minuses before lateksnymi condoms: 1. Dearness. 2. From the diseases passed sexual by, they practically do not protect, because pore of the given condoms there is more than size almost all pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Their use can protect only from undesirable pregnancy.. . I ask to add the answer of doctor Pasenjuk with the given information that visitors had full clearness in questions on versions of condoms. Thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
04.07.2004, 12:53
Hello! To make comments on answers of other doctors unethically. If you own the information sound it or her independently, instead of ask to make it other doctor.

05.07.2004, 22:58
I with pleasure, but in " Voprosy-answers " it is impossible to make changes to the user with black anybody. I thank for comprehension.