Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor. Recently I was on inspection at genekologa. The doctor prov...

03.07.2004, 12:16
Hello the doctor. Recently I was on inspection at genekologa. The doctor has spent full inspection by means of US. The doctor has diagnosed me, that at me the small sizes a uterus (2 degree). Prompt pozhajlusta what preparations it is possible to normalize the sizes of a uterus, and whether there will be iz-for it or this, in the further, problems with beremenostju.

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.07.2004, 03:05
In such cases estrogens are appointed or nominated. Problems with pregnancy can be only by way of vynashivnija - on ability to become pregnant size of a uterus does not influence.

05.07.2004, 22:49
Hello the doctor!
To me of 28 years. After US and survey of the gynecologist the small size of a uterus (between 2 and 1 degree) was found out. There was mini an abortion in 20 years and frequent flights to Asia (Taiwan, China) - a question: whether it could affect or influence on not the standard sizes of a uterus? Accepted mikrofalin on 1 phase and djufaston on 2 3 months. Now I am in Taiwan, was at the doctor for 2 day of a menses and he has told or said, that the sizes of a uterus normal. (as it to understand?) we with the husband plan the child and here 6 months.... And anything. The husband proverilsja-all in norm or rate. To wait or something it is necessary to undertake? What medicines? And more vopros-always nekomfortno at sex, whether the uterus influences?
Big to you thanks! Budt are healthy!