Просмотр полной версии : HELLO. 1: whether it is possible for the husband to apply a preparation Rheopyrinum (he zastud...

05.07.2004, 09:33
HELLO. 1: whether it is possible for the husband to apply a preparation Rheopyrinum (he has chilled a muscle on a neck), that as we plans in 1 month pregnancy.
Question 2: how much harmfully at planning pregnancy to the husband to drink beer. And that at me already the phobia any has developed. Now the summer, and sometimes to him would be desirable to drink butylochku some beer. And he is very much irritated, when sees, that I take offence at it.

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.07.2004, 13:44
Rheopyrinum to the husband to prick it is possible. About beer for the husband a question disputable - to me once very much kvalifitsirovanno have proved, that beer does not harm detorozhdeniju, except for the pregnant woman (then can be harmed a fetus)

05.07.2004, 17:22
If I have correctly understood, beer and is natural dr. Alcoholic drinks it is impossible for me, and occasionally it is possible for the husband a bottle of beer?