Просмотр полной версии : Hello, I the fifth year accept Diane-35 (the diagnosis - a polycystosis of ovaries...

04.07.2004, 22:53
Hello, I the fifth year accept Diane-35 (the diagnosis - a polycystosis of ovaries + an initial stage of an endometriosis, all this owing to dysfunction of a cortex of adrenals). The doctor at whom I am observed, speaks, that at my disease to accept this medicine it is necessary down to a climacterium (now for me 30). Other gynecologist to whom I consulted, advises necessarily to do or make breaks for 2 3 months every year. The last half a year at me began to get tired legs or foots, koe-where there were reticulums from small vessels. The surgeon even has registered to me series of preparations, having told or said, what is it disease of vessels, and all hormonal preparations affect their status not in the best image. When I have asked about it or this treating ginekologa-the endocrinologist, she pochemu-that was awfully offended, that I "have driven" into its or her liked preparation, say, do not compose, same yet varices, do not want - can not drink at all. Also she has ignored my question that my father has died of an insult though in soprovodilovke it is written that similar diseases of close relatives have been excluded. Tell or say, please, really to Diana really so harmless preparation, what it or he can be accepted years, without the slightest harm for health?? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.07.2004, 16:40
Diana (as well as other contraceptives) it is far not bozobidnyj preparati if your doctor does not remember, I shall dare to remind, that in the instruction is specified time in half a year to check a blood on coagulability and a level of hepatic enzymes, at change pokkazatelej - to cancel a preparation. Therefore I recommend you to not forget obobsledovanii and n adanno metape about dechenii at the vascular surgeon at the CANCELLING of the PREPARATION.