Просмотр полной версии : Girls, who can will prompt, will give advice or council. I in July had a delay 6 day...

27.06.2004, 20:25
Girls, who can will prompt, will give advice or council. I in July had a delay of 6 days. Usually before monsters in the middle of a cycle nabuhala and very much the breast hurted or was ill;was sick, and that time has not bulked up at all and did not hurt or ill;sick, on 1 j day of a delay she there were blue veins on her, slightly podtashnivalo, pereodicheski pricked ovaries. The test could not make (was on a summer residence). More shortly I thought, that have become pregnant, already was delighted, potomu-that I wait for it or this a year. And then "they" have begun with a wild pain in an ovary, already to a leg or foot gave. I have described all signs in konfe. genikolog and Tatyana Borisovna has told or said, that was possible or probable early vykidysh. Next months send or have come in time and again the breast hurted or was ill;was sick strongly. And here now at me 25 j day of a cycle, koljat ovaries constantly (not so strongly) and again a breast at all uvelich. Also does not hurt. I suspect, what is it repetition of the first case if I could become pregnant as me to help or assist pregnancy to be saved? Somebody advice or council, in advance thanks can will give or allow. To the gynecologist I shall not go, because she has got rid of me to the expert on sterility or barrenness to which I could not get having stayed in turn 4 hours and when my turn this spets has approached or suited. Began to cause "criminal", I all am shorter has left in tears. Prompt!!!

29.06.2004, 13:59
It is necessary for you seryoznoe inspection (hormonal, prhodimosti pipes, spermogramma the husband, etc.). Can address in a commercial centre. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

02.07.2004, 15:08
I hope, Tanja, you had time to read through my answer, while careful evromedprestizh not poudaljal all answers.
I shall repeat in that pregnancy could not be saved iz-for physical overloads on a summer residence. If suspect it or her again, try to keep relative rest - without sharp movements. You can treat hormonal disturbances and other frustration of sexual system only with the doctor.

05.07.2004, 11:46
Hormones handed over 3 months ago, 9 pieces, all in norm or rate, spermogramma at the husband not on 5, but on 4 are exact. Here permeability did not hand over. At me secondary sterility or barrenness, is the child. Whether there can be it pipes. Because on protjazh. 3 h months to me according to US put an anovulation?