Просмотр полной версии : Zdrovstvujte, Boris Aleksandrovich. To me of 29 years. I married 8 years, and for these or it go...

28.06.2004, 04:01
Zdrovstvujte, Boris Aleksandrovich. To me of 29 years. I married 8 years, and for these years not to time was not pregnancy. First it was treated for a chlamydia, then on nastajaniju the doctor to me have made laparaskopiju and have removed a cyst of the right ovary (which then okazalas a yellow body), and at once during operation both pipes have checked up permeability trub-were closed. In 2 years have again performed operation, but cavitary for excision of solderings in pipes, but the roentgen in 2 months has shown, that the right pipe in the extremity or end is closed, and in the same place - in an ampullar department the pipe is expanded in the form of the closed cavity, and left is opened or open. As handed over a blood on hormones, the analysis has shown, that Prolactinum in a blood is raised or increased up to 1054, DGEA-With - 3, 07, Testosteron-Depotum - 1, 9, Oestradiolum - is less 25, FSG - 3, 53, LG - 5, 1.
The doctor has appointed or nominated to me Bromkreptin on 1 tablet 2 times a day. In 4 months prlaktin in a blood was 689, 7, according to the doctor I continued reception of a preparation, but on 0, 5 tablets 2 times a day. During same time has passed or has taken place a course of massage of a uterus, in some months has made MRT a brain which has shown mikroadenolmu the right half adenogipofiza. And I again began to accept bromkreptin on 1 tablet 2 times a day. At me all hope for the left pipe on which popodaet only 10 percent or interests of pregnancy but as already it is so much time pregnancy have not come or stepped, has decided to address to the doctor, that she to me naznachilastimuljatsiju an ovary for greater probability of offensive or approach of pregnancy. And only after useless attempts poprobyvat EKO. But also for the first and for the second case there is a question: whether stimulation to a pituitary body considering a microadenoma and as me to act or arrive correctly will damage or injure;hurt. Please, the doctor, prompt, what to me to do or make?
In advance thanks!

Kamenetskij B.A.
30.06.2004, 22:43
Carrying out of procedure eko () will not damage or injure;hurt carrying out of stimulating therapy to your pituitary body.

03.07.2004, 19:07
Sposibo, the doctor, that have answered my question. Whether but tell or say, please, it means, chtostimuljatsiju it is possible to do or make and not resorting to EKO?

Kamenetskij B.A.
05.07.2004, 09:28
Considering your history (numerous operative measures) most likely speech should go about eko.