Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor! In 11 weeks of pregnancy it was found out, that the fetus has stood on 6...

03.07.2004, 14:27
Dear doctor! In 11 weeks of pregnancy it was found out, that the fetus has stood on 6 j. After cleaning histological research soskoba has shown suspicion on vesical drift. The next analyses have shown the following: Toksoplazma IgG - will put. (22, 060 IU/ml), toksoplazma IgM - otr. (0, 115), a chorion. Gonadotropinum 1, 78 mIU/ml. Opinion of doctors were divided or ed undresswere. The gynecologist considers or counts as the reason zamiranija a toxoplasmosis, and infektsionist considers or counts, that a toxoplasmosis here neither at anything. Me do not treat nor for what, more and more send on analyses, t. To. Cannot come to a final conclusion, and become pregnant do not resolve, yet will not be "it's OK". What to me to do or make? Similar, that they never will solve, that is normal, and that is not present, and time goes. About toksomlazmoz I have asked a question infektsionistu, and you very much I ask to comment on credits on a chorion. Gonadotropinum. What does it mean? What to me to do or make with it or this further? I Beg to give me any references on the further actions. At me arms or hand because I wish to have children (me almost 26) already fall, and anybody to me particularly tell or say can nothing.
P. S.: analyses on chlamydias, a ureaplasma, a herpes, a cytomegalovirus, papilomu - negative. At me a blood 1 aja otr, at the husband - 2 I will put, but during pregnancy of antibodies is found out not was. Pregnancy was the first and long-awaited. In advance many thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.07.2004, 03:35
1 your age not critical for pregnancy
2 - it is necessary to make a break not less than 6 months after previous beermennosti
3 - to spend treatment of a toxoplasmosis
4 - to make US + the analysis of a blood on HGCH if it is saved, to spend treatment by Methotrexatum before normalization of a status and then to not become pregnant two years.