Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I not so long ago asked here a question in occasion of treatment mikopl...

05.07.2004, 00:11
Hello! I not so long ago asked here a question in occasion of treatment of a mycoplasma gominis. From now on has begun a course of medicines. And here that now it is interesting to me: to Me have appointed or nominated among all medicines "oksigrissant". He (how much or as far as I have understood from the instruction) too renders "protective" influence from "harm" of antibiotics? You could not advise me, can be to me it is necessary to drink also tibletki, protecting a liver? "Karsil" or something in this sort? And that in fact such quantity or amount of medicines harmfully for a stomach as the majority of preparations should be drunk for an HOUR UP TO meal. And more a question: whether it is possible to wash down tablets with something, except for usual water? Heard, what is possible cold milk, but how much or as far as it is the truth? I can not wash down with easier water... .-that does not go. Green tea it is possible, how you think?


Malanova T.B.
05.07.2004, 02:18
It is enough for you oksigrissanta, he too possesses protective property. Can wash down with cold tea.