Просмотр полной версии : At the diagnosis climacteric dysfunction, treatment by a preparation 17 is appointed or nominated...

04.07.2004, 00:54
At the diagnosis climacteric dysfunction, treatment by a preparation 17 (40 injections in day) is appointed or nominated. After 18 nyxes have begun bloody allocation which gradually amplify. Whether it is admissible and whether to continue treatment. Or this certificate of wrong selection of a medicine. What more effective hormonal preparations can be applied in my case.

Pasenjuk A.M.
04.07.2004, 23:38
No, this or thus not admissible oslozhneie therapies, to you it is necessary to address repeatedly to the doctor, it is possible or probable to you the separate diagnostic currettage if it or him did not do or make before purpose or appointment of treatment then it it it is necessary to solve the problem in favour of a replaceable hormonetherapy kombiniroannymi preparations (klimonorm, klimen, divina) will be appointed or nominated