Просмотр полной версии : Hello! To my girl have recommended oral contraceptive ZHanin...

30.06.2004, 00:29
To my girl have recommended oral contraceptive ZHanin. Explain, please:
1. What by-effects from its or his reception can be;
2. What lek. Preparations influence its or his action;
3. Whether it is necessary to be protected in addition during the first cycle.
In advance thanks.

01.07.2004, 03:12
Tezhe questions of a current in occasion of Logesta

Soboleva L.I.
01.07.2004, 23:26
Hello! At reception of oral contraceptives (including ZHanin, and Logesta) little change of mass of a body, a nausea, change of mood, allergic reaction are possible or probable intermenstrual krovjanistye allocation, nagrubanie breasts.
The laxatives, the activated coal, some antibiotics, antituberculous or antitubercular, anticonvulsant perparaty reduce effect of contraceptives.
During reception of the first packing tablets additional preservation is necessary. Then in it or this there is no necessity.

03.07.2004, 11:12
Many thanks. It would be desirable to specify:
To instructions to ZHaninu it is written, that if before hormonal contraceptives were not used,
Additional preservation is not necessary or necessary within the first 7 days of reception of a dragee from the first packing.
(http: // simple. jeanine. com. ua/products/files/instr. pdf)
Whether it is necessary to it or this to believe?

Soboleva L.I.
04.07.2004, 22:03
Hello, Oleg! The situation is those. Basically it so, but for greater reliability (for there were situations) doctors recommend additional preservation the first 2 3 weeks.