Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, inform, please, normal ranges of value or meanings;importance to a program...

03.07.2004, 10:15
The dear doctor, inform, please, normal ranges of value or meanings;importance of Progesteronum during all cycle.
At me in the first day monthly Progesteronum was - 85.28 years, did not give birth or travail. Thanks.

Kamenetskij B.A.
04.07.2004, 21:35
Alja! It is considered to be Normal value or meanings;importance of this hormone in I a phase of a cycle: 0, 09 4, 29 nmol/l and 5, 84 96, 0 nmol/l in the second. Definition of this hormone in the second phase of a cycle is informative. Classically research should will be executed three times (usually it is 19, 21, 23 days of a cycle) considering variability of value or meanings;importance (even within day). Depression of Progesteronum in plasma is promoted by reception of such preparations, as: Ampicillinum, Karbamazepinum, tsiproteron, danazol, epostan, a theelol, gozerelin, leupromid, peroral contraceptives, Phenytoinum, pravastatin, Prostaglandinum F2.
Rising of Progesteronum is promoted by reception of such preparations as: klomifen, Adrenocorticotrophinum, ketokonazol, mifepriston, Progesteronum and its or his synthetic analogues, Tamoxifenum, valproevaja an acid. The raised or increased digits received at you can speak about that, what is it there was not a first day of a cycle.