Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My question is similar to questions on a site. In the first unsuccessful...

26.06.2004, 20:00

My question is similar to questions on a site. In the first unsuccessful marriage has made two abortions. Now has married and has there and then become pregnant. To me 25, to the husband will be 30.
Just has discharged from hospital, was and is? Threat of discontinuing. US has shown 4 week, and a fetus (itself saw) very extended form. To me have told or said, it is threat. Pricked nosh-pu, a glucose, in tablets Djufaston and vitamin E. 2 ju week temperature 37 37.3. The reason of threat cannot establish or install. Abortions were at an early stage, vacuum. Read in the book, that at not clear reasons of an abortion most likely the organism itself tries to get rid of pregnancy, the wrong chromosomal complement or t can. Whether item In this case I can save pregnancy and to be assured or confident that pathologies is not present. We only have got married and to tell the truth, were not ready to my pregnancy, but we are afraid that if I shall make the third abortion, I shall remain fruitless. What chances?

28.06.2004, 07:00
I had a threat on 4 weeks (allocation, a pain). Have appointed or nominated djufaston (shortage progesterona-the frequent reason nevynashivanija). If wish to leave rebenka-a confinement to bed and observation before the termination or discontinuance of signs. Most likely at you now all is normal, time have written out. And you are not shocked with the third abortion??? A fetal egg extended formy-not a pathology. Till 9 weeks at all do not do or make cleaning at suspicion on patologiju-development wait. In 6 8 weeks, usually, the fetus is visualized, palpitation (US) is defined or determined

29.06.2004, 05:39
I gave birth or travailled after 2 abortions and 1 abortion. And like it's OK. The abortion has happened at me for the unknown reason on 4 week after a weak bleeding. The reasons and have not established or installed. But the subsequent pregnancy has passed or has taken place normally, any troubles. I think an organism itself should decide to be to this child or not. But it seems to me you are not very ready yet to it or this. And on the bill of sterility or barrenness it any more from you depends. As the God will send.

The anonym
29.06.2004, 22:43
I kak-that translated scientific work about pregnancy and a fetation, there have been told or said, that the abortion happens, if in a fetation there is a failure at a genetic level. e. In other words, the nature itself gets rid of "marriage or spoilage" thus. And the abortion in any image does not influence the subsequent of pregnancy. And if abortions repeat, then again there is a genetic failure. Abortion too in prigtsipe is not connected with function detorozhdenija. I know some women which have safely given birth after set of abortions (over 10 operations!). The subsequent conceptions are influenced with inflammatory processes which can arise after abortion.

The anonym
30.06.2004, 12:39
Has not added. I finish:) If the organism will solve will get rid of the child anybody and in any way it cannot stop. And if it or this till now does not happen, then it's OK. My mum has given birth to me in 38 years, laid in hospital on conservation with threat, itd. I can assure you, that no pathologies at me are present:) do not hurry. There is a set of tests for definition of pathologies - US, the analysis of an amniotic liquid, a blood itd. If there will be a deviation or rejection in development, to you will necessarily tell or say. Easier or simply if so to think - sometimes happens, that all is safe, pregnancy ideal, all is planned, the child is born healthy, but, alas, with average abilities. While your "extended" it can appear the genius. Success!

01.07.2004, 17:42
Actually the abortion happens not only iz-for genetic problems, but also iz-for shortages of own hormones. So the abortion not ostanovit-is bosh. Save in many cases. And abortions UNEQUIVOCALLY influence genital functions (inflammations, gorm. Failures, dysfunctions), let alone the moral party or side.

02.07.2004, 10:12
I had a threat on 5 week. There were pains and botched work. In hospital on conservation of 2 weeks has lain. The reason have revealed, so you should address to the doctor, and that then can already be late.

The anonym
03.07.2004, 15:15
The inflammation and hormonal failure is not genital functions. These are the factors influencing genital functions. But with you anybody in this occasion did not argue, esteem closely or attentively. Dysfunction of that? The Ovary as a result of abortion without any accompanying inflammation or disturbance of a hormonal background? It is very improbable. .dumaju, that the doctor responding in this conference, it will confirm. Shortage of own hormones at an abortion sounds logically, but it is the whole separate subject. And about conservation of pregnancy - as you define or determine, the organism itself has left pregnancy or it was conservation with medical assistance? Who basically has proved it? Whether it is possible to predict or forecast pathologies on term of 4 weeks - here in what consist Oksanin a question. If an abortion has not occured or happened yet the probability of pathologies already considerably decreases. And further all depends from professinalizma doctors at whom Oksana is observed. To be assured or confident on hundred % now it is impossible. And about the moral party or side you, perhaps, are right. But, on the other hand, sometimes happens, that abortion is a necessity. For example pregnancy goes well, and suddenly the test shows, for example, that at the child daun-a syndrome. It is defined or determined between 16 and 18 week. What in this case more morally to make abortion or to leave the child to be excruciated most and to excruciate all around of itself? So deep subject seems to Me, what is it, that for it or her our conference will not suffice...

04.07.2004, 21:12
Hello Ira,

Thanks for your message. I went on US and rasping pathologies have not revealed, certainly for me it was huge simplification. But on the Down and t. p did not check. The only thing disturbs it not padajushchja temperature within already 3 months, 37.2 - 37.4. You had a temperature on 3 month or not? Heard koga nibud about such? Whom I do not ask, everyone speak what is it unusual reaction.

To happily you. Oksana