Просмотр полной версии : After sorts or labors erosion sh/m is found out, inspection, the answer is spent: All cht...

03.07.2004, 11:16
After sorts or labors erosion sh/m is found out, inspection, the answer is spent:
All that is necessary at erosion at you is, and all rest by way of.
After inspection - cauterization DTK.
Before cauterization there was one menses (nursed), and now, after cauterization
Erosions, a delay of 2 weeks, (this month with a breast any more I do not feed). After cauterization of erosion
The doctor has appointed or nominated hormonal contraceptives within 3 months (TRI-REGOL
21 + 7) For what it is necessary? Whether Me disturbs I shall type or collect excess weight.
Than the delay of a menses is caused or called?

Malanova T.B.
04.07.2004, 17:03
Delay, probably, iz-for OK. Ok possess the some protivospalitelnym effect, there is a cuticularization of a wound is better.