Просмотр полной версии : We can have the child?

04.07.2004, 16:25
Good afternoon. Thanks big for your site and your help! At me to you such question: whether it is necessary to interrupt pregnancy if the future the daddy and mum approximately 1,5-2 years drank or saw beer and smoked practically every day, but up to the happened pregnancy 2,5 months of it or this did not do or make and accepted Vitrum prenatal and Mastodinon (mum) and Acidum folicum (mum and the daddy)? At mum (25 years) in anamnesis PMK 1., DZHVP on hypotonic type, hr. dekompensirovannyj a tonsillitis, a varices and giperprolaktinemija. The daddy is healthy (27 years). Whether there is at us a chance to bear and give birth or take out and give birth the healthy baby? In advance thanks for time found us.

04.07.2004, 16:34
Certainly save, you correctly prepared for pregnancy, bear it or her on health.