Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, what additional greasings can be used for...

03.07.2004, 19:27
Prompt, please, what additional greasings can be used for condoms and where them to buy or purchase? Whether sell them in drugstores? And I terribly hesitate to start to ask that in a drugstore, and this problem became for me already vital:)
Prompt any names to approach or suit and is proud to name, and around nobody would guess:) Only, something is desirable, widespread, and that I live in small city.
Or, can, what is easier, type of creams? And that write - Vaselinum is impossible, the cream is impossible, etc. Creams in fact different happen, can, any it is possible?

Soboleva L.I.
04.07.2004, 08:01
Hello, Light! For such purpose the cream "Farmateks" quite approaches or suits. Voobshche-that he concerns to spermitsidam, but well humidifies or wets a vagina.