Просмотр полной версии : 36 years Bilateral ventilnyj saktosalp. Whether there is a sense to do or make laparoskopi...

04.07.2004, 01:48
36 years Bilateral ventilnyj saktosalp. Whether there is a sense to do or make a laparoscopy or independent pregnancy even after operation is not possible or probable and only EKO.
The divisional speaks, that after 30 ti these operations do not do or make or cut out pipes.

Rabaev S.G.
04.07.2004, 07:55
Concerning treatment of a sactosalpinx - operation can really be demanded laparoskopicheskaja. Concerning treatment of sterility or barrenness - efficiency of the given operation extremely is not high and it is preferable EKO, is possible or probable after operation for exception of the factor of functional sterility or barrenness.