Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna! At me 21 week of pregnancy, have found out miko...

30.06.2004, 22:28
Dear Tatyana Borisovna! At me 21 week of pregnancy, have found out a mycoplasma, my doctor has appointed or nominated to me treatment, including clindamycin, you have written, what this antibiotic protivopakazan at pregnancy, than it is possible to replace it or him, and whether it is possible to manage suppositories (terzhinan, kipferon) and oksigrissantom?

Malanova T.B.
04.07.2004, 03:58
Make a smear on flora. If he pure or clean any treatment to spend it is not necessary. Or it is possible to hand over a blood on a mycoplasma method IFA.