Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At a problem with a regularity of a cycle, after inspection vra...

02.07.2004, 09:27
The dear doctor! At a problem with a regularity of a cycle, after inspection the doctor has advised me to accept preparation DIANE 35 from fifth day of a cycle. But before has appointed or nominated DJUFASTON to avoid the next delay. Djufaston I have spent on drink, the menses has come and I have started to drink to Diana 35 What probability of pregnancy for 20 day of a cycle if to consider that during the sexual certificate or act we were protected by a condom and all was by way of, but nevertheless at me such sensation, what the semen could get inside?
And more one question: whether reception GLITSINA can (0, 4 g in day) to have weakening or easying an effect on Diana? Thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
04.07.2004, 01:08
Hello! Pregnancy in such situation is practically impossible. Glitsin does not weaken or easy action OK.