Просмотр полной версии : It would not be desirable for off-schedule pregnancy. We use condoms, but m...

02.07.2004, 22:44
It would not be desirable for off-schedule pregnancy. We use condoms, but my friend dresses them only nepostredstvenno before an ejaculation, I sometimes use suppositories " Patenteks the Oval ", but they do not inspire me of trust. Recently has heard about the test or dough;father-in-law, allowing to define or determine an ovulation. Tell about it or this more in detail, whether 6 it and how much he costs or stands.

03.07.2004, 23:04
The test is called " Clear Plan ". Defines or determines "ovulatory" peak ljuteinizirujushchego a hormone in urine. To use also, as the test for pregnancy. The test is reliable, there is nearby 1000 rbl.
More in detail read www. clearplan. ru