Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! At me very personal question: after the sexual certificate or act at me pojavyli...

29.06.2004, 08:54
Zdrastvujte! At me very personal question: after the sexual certificate or act at me pojavylis pains at mochispuskanii and it is simple, when I go, from what it???

29.06.2004, 18:03
- To mine you have caught something

01.07.2004, 09:39
Karina, that I with all the heart advise you - go to the doctor! And that so can be tightened or delayed, you will damn then all on light...
Do not listen to anybody and anything - go to the doctor!

01.07.2004, 18:23
At me too most. Here already discussed it. I can tell or say, that at me after a different sort of inspections at doctors of the urologist, the gynecologist razdrozhenie environments of a bladder. Simply inside genitals nahodjatsja the close friend from the friend and when to be entered a sexual member, he soprikasaetsja with urinary organs and from it or this goes razdrozhenie. Also there can be such reaction to a condom. You try or taste spend on drink urological travki they calm or abirritate a bladder, kill a different sort an infection and are harmless also I is confident they to you will help or assist.

It is lovely
02.07.2004, 20:49
In any case it is a cystitis, that is an inflammation of a bladder. And here than he could be caused or called - the boring of a bladder can be really simple at the sexual certificate or act, but can be and an infection. Can stretch a patience and tell fortunes, and can descend or go to the doctor and hand over a banal smear and the analysis wet... Choose.

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.07.2004, 21:46
It is necessary to visit or attend the doctor and to exclude an inflammation in a vagina and a bladder, or a trauma of a forward wall of a vagina