Просмотр полной версии : Hello, month or an one and a half back, after very strong angina at me on...

30.06.2004, 19:24
Hello, month or an one and a half back, after very strong angina at me have begun problems in moche-to sexual sphere: the itch and a burning sensation in a vagina, dryness, up to dryness were beleso-grey the allocation, unpleasant sensations at the sexual contact, now unpleasant dryness arises after douche. I have handed over all analyses - on a chlamydia, ureplazmy, mycoplasmas, gardnelez, a thrush, a Wassermann reaction, on a HIV and the Hepatitis - All is negative!!
And handed over not once, and two - the first in an out-patient department, the second - in private or individual clinic, (That for certain) That with me? I so wish to return by a normal, healthy sexual life and a life without trouble in general!
The doctor, what it can be?
And how to treat?

Malanova T.B.
03.07.2004, 16:08
And that in a banal smear on flora.