Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Thanks you for the answer - to an occasion of the doctor, which postav...

02.07.2004, 19:01
Hello, the doctor! Thanks you for the answer - to an occasion of the doctor which the endometritis and has diagnosed incompetence of this doctor, but he to me has told or said, that I should make still US (after a cycle) and to take away answers on onkotsito and gistoanalizy. And answers at it or him and how I shall take away them if so will not give, and consultation paid? I in general am afraid, that he to me still will tell or say, that at me a cancer. In fact he ginekolog-the oncologist. What to me to do or make?

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.07.2004, 12:23
To take away answers of analyses - procedure free-of-charge in any place, and presence onkozabolevanija can be specified under analyses. Therefore easy to come behind results and to refuse the further observation at the doctor.