Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is necessary to me to be afraid of sterility or barrenness after the second miniaborta? I have made the First 7...

02.07.2004, 04:09
Whether it is necessary to me to be afraid of sterility or barrenness after the second miniaborta? I have made the First 7 months ago (then syringing and postinor have not helped or assisted after the condom has torn). And now I have again become pregnant, though since then it there was a first opportunity for this purpose. What consequences after abortions can be?

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.07.2004, 04:38
It will be unequivocally impossible to tell or say sterility or barrenness or not. Consequences - sterility or barrenness, chronic vospalennija, an endometriosis