Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 7 nazad-abortion, a cycle regular with an ovulation. It is broken zhevot-...

29.06.2004, 04:10
Hello! 7 nazad-abortion, a cycle regular with an ovulation. It is broken zhevot-lifted gravities, iz-for it or this sometimes began monthly earlier. It was protected, izredka-postinor. 3 months ago has decided to get or start the child. The last month zaberemenela-has felt srazu-a bottom zhevota it became sensitive, in the evenings it is serious also pulsations that could sleep only having bent legs or foots in kolenkah. (7 days prior to a prefloor. Monthly) in the Morning - as though anything is not present, and by the evening nabegaeshsja and again gravity and pulsations, as in the tired out legs or foots. But it is not similar, as happens before monthly. 2 day up to monthly there was a sharp abdominal pain after kopki a kitchen garden - and a bleeding strong and dljatelnoe, not as always. After MONTHLY the TEST has shown a weak second stria! After all the doctor has told or said, that inflammations are not present, a uterus good. I again was not protected and this month all sensations repeat. What is it?
Why so has occured or happened? HOW TO ACT or ARRIVE, THAT This time there HAS not come or stepped the BLEEDING?

30.06.2004, 00:05
Sasha, with your weak stomach or belly you to yourselves allow to run, dig all the day a kitchen garden and ask, why a bleeding? At desire to give birth to the child you now need to limit completely itself from exercise stresses, and can, in general both the hospital is shown to you also observation of doctors till 12 weeks. You were checked by the doctor, the falling of the womb at you is not present? In any case - take care, give birth to the child - then run and dig a kitchen garden. If you work - let in hospital vyepisyvajut the sick-list up to a maternity leave. Also be in earnest to pregnancy is in fact serious job in own way. And more it is not excluded, that further when a load on your uterus will increase, will begin other sort of a problem. Also descend or go to one more doctor, I do not see something, that your present or true doctor has given efficient advice or council (if, certainly, you to him have in detail told all). Success!

30.06.2004, 04:21
Many thanks for the answer! I too it assumed also to the doctor all have told, but one doctor to me skazal-once will not turn out, the second then we shall treat! And I cannot wait second time! To me 38 years! And I have gone to other doctor. She has written out to me Nosh-pu, vit. E, suppositories of a papaverine. But I in additives itself began to drink djufaston. I hope will not damage or injure;hurt. Then, certainly I shall tell or say about it or this to the doctor.
Yours faithfully and gratitude With.

03.07.2004, 03:35
Success to you, Sasha! Take care and give birth dorovenkogo the kid:)