Просмотр полной версии : Dear, the doctor! I Am flied or treated djufastonom in occasion of a polypose endometreja and giper...

Natalia, 45 years
02.07.2004, 07:05
Dear, the doctor! 3 months Am flied or treated djufastonom in occasion of a polypose endometreja and giperplpzii. Except for that at me a myoma 7-9 weeks, sites up to 2. Has read through. That at treatment of a myoma the grass - borovaja a uterus well helps or assists. Whether it is possible to undergo treatment her or it, accepting djufaston? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
03.07.2004, 01:06
1. A hyperplasia and polyposes endometrija CATEGORICALLY it is impossible to treat hormones, only a currettage! Only after reception of results of histological research it is possible to appoint or nominate hormones. 2. It is impossible to combine hormones with grasses. 3. Borovaja the uterus does not treat a myoma, it only self-complacency.