Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To me of 18 years. I would like to consult to you on the bill...

Bringing down
01.07.2004, 07:32
Hello, the doctor! To me of 18 years. I would like to consult to you on the bill About.: I live a sexual life a year 2, the partner the same, is healthy, always used condoms, but we wish to pass n adrugoj a way of protection, but the main thing not less effective by way of pregnancy and as much as possible harmless. I went to ginekoglogu, have handed over analyses, like all by way of, to me have advised zhanin. But while I still do not accept it or him. Simply I live in small small town and good experts here practically are not present. Understand, sexual contacts I have 2 3 times and toi less often in a week, whether it is necessary iz-zi to accept it or this hormonal preparations, can something is better another? By way of purchase of medicines and their prices of problems will not be, the main thing what mn epodojdyot is more. Heredity at me quite good, the only thing, on what would be desirable to turn yours vnimanie-this that that I probably mastopathy - at me have stethalgias (and not just papillas) before a menses and in the subsequent some days after it or her, and as at my sister the diagnosis a diffusive or diffuse mastopathy. It would be desirable to hear your opinion. And if About., what the most suitable at my age. In advance many thanks.

Malanova T.B.
03.07.2004, 00:54
I do not select treatment in absentia, and ZHanin a good modern preparation.