Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor and ladies. Prompt how to struggle, please, with a thrush...

01.07.2004, 05:12
The dear doctor and ladies. Prompt how to struggle, please, with a thrush and garnerelliozom. I go to paid clinic and I have an impression, that I specially not effectively am am treated, that I have paid for greater kol-in receptions and analyses. During a year I go there 2 times to a month and for this time to me it be not become better! Last time treated gardnerellioz gel Metrolil, but effect any. I feel awfully, to be engaged in sex it is impossible, and still the doctor has forbidden to use linings on every day. Speaks, that from them at me has developed gardnerellioz. It is the truth? Prompt please treatment! In advance thanks!

02.07.2004, 19:54
Dear Katya if you have doubts in decency and competence of doctors of clinic which you visit or attend it was necessary doavno to replace it or her or even to hand over analyses in other clinic. The some people mozhih friends had cases when it or him put very unpleasant diagnosis of type of a clamidiosis, gardnelleza, etc., they were treated by expensive medicines, and doctors gave them a direction in the CERTAIN drugstores, and their status only worsened, and on reception in usual rajonno ZHK to them spoke by results of analyses, that at a bottom there are no these diseases, and t. n. Treatment they only harm to the organism.
And in occasion of linings... So in this case it is impossible to use any linings, and especially wads!!! You do not go with one lining on a week, and do not wait that on her there were bacteria. So try to replace the doctor. Successes.