Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! To me diagnose - attributes of an adenomyosis. Me anything...

01.07.2004, 02:39
Hello, the doctor! To me diagnose - attributes of an adenomyosis. Nothing disturbs me also any excessive vydeleny is not present. The doctor recommended me to accept hormonal preparations. Whether I drink Novi-there Is no already a half a year and would like to learn or find out it is possible to accept this preparation and further to prevent development of an adenomyosis? And whether is harmful to accept hormonal preparations so longly?

02.07.2004, 16:13
Unfortunately, reception of hormonal preparations at an adenomyosis is justified. This disease represents growth of the tissue similar with endometriem (an internal environment of a uterus), on a uterus, pipes, ovaries. And during a menses this tissue too starts to menstruate. The blood gets in an abdominal cavity... To avoid it or this, it is necessary to suppress fluctuation of a level of hormones, an event during a menstrual cycle by means of hormonal preparations. And harm from their application is not so comparable that can cause advance of an endometriosis.