Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, is required an explanation, help or assist. I have passed or have taken place course of treatment on...

01.07.2004, 00:18
The dear doctor, is required an explanation, help or assist. I have passed or have taken place course of treatment after a hysteroscopy which spent under the diagnosis - a hyperplasia endometrija. Now to me suggest to spend treatment of sterility or barrenness by a method of an induction of an ovulation, thus it is required to fill the application or statement that I incur the responsibility for any consequences of treatment. There is a question is so terribly and dangerously? Can and is not necessary to agree. I am afraid. In advance thanks for the answer.

Kamenetskij B.A.
02.07.2004, 11:08
I think, that in this case you is not absolutely correct intepretiruete the application or statement offered to you. - visible it is a question that you are acquainted with possible or probable by-effects of preparations which plan to apply to your treatment.