Просмотр полной версии : Whether air flight and change of a climate to affect or influence a course of pregnancy (the first t can...

20.06.2004, 14:00
Whether air flight and change of a climate to affect or influence a course of pregnancy (the first trimester) can

24.06.2004, 01:27
I flied to Turkey when term was 6 7 weeks and all has passed or has taken place well, the truth it was in the extremity or end of September, but all the same at us was already cool. Only take with itself nosh-pu and suppositories (if the stomach or belly will ache a bit). Success!

26.06.2004, 19:47
Unfortunately can, recommend in perovm to abstain a trimester from flights. Itself flied on 11, all ok. I shall repeat in occasion of noshpy, suppositories with a papaverine and Utrozhestan with myself if suddenly will be krovit that 3. 2. Noshpy in day, suppositories for the night on 1. (it for all time of holiday) + utro/evening on 1. Utrozhestana vaginalno., on arrival by run on US. I wish, that all would be ok!

27.06.2004, 00:05
Uh, I flied to Turkey on 3 week, I even did not know, that is pregnant. You at all do not represent as me it was bad, I all thought change of a climate so influences. Having arrived or flied home, I had such exacerbation... Temperature and so on. And has then learned or has then found out, that it is pregnant, and it iz-for pregnancy all was.

28.06.2004, 20:35
Only for the first trimester has made eight flights (Italy, Austria, Ukraine) and more four for the second (Egypt in November, including separately Cairo), therefore in samochustvii the pregnant woman - nonpregnant has not noticed a difference, despite of a strong toxicosis in 1 m a trimester. And can it is simple has got used to fly and the plane my unique transferable or tolerable type of transport because in the automobile machine or car me always rocks to sleep. And change of a climate has passed or has taken place imperceptibly. The only thing I can advise to sleep more after flight, especially long and during sometimes to stroll on interior, and still can ask in the plane a pillow and enclose or lay for convenience (pochustvuete where). Happy flight.

02.07.2004, 03:38
Irinas, from all written it is possible to draw a conclusion one, to guarantee, that all will be good will undertake nobody, but also strongly to intimidate too. The responsibility on you, look on circumstances and state of health!