Просмотр полной версии : What is the falling of the womb? What will be if to not treat? And if to treat, as?...

The anonym
28.06.2004, 20:57
What is the falling of the womb? What will be if to not treat? And if to treat, as? What development can receive illness or disease at 57 years or summer women (in all rest practically healthy)?
Natasha of Item

Kamenetskij B.A. the doctor ak.-u
30.06.2004, 07:03
Problems with an incontience of urine are possible or probable.

30.06.2004, 22:50
Soglasna, mozhet. Lechit mozhno dvumya putyami - hirurgicheskoe ispravlenie ili pessary (resinovoe ustroistvo, kotoroe vstavlyaetsya vo vlagalizhe) Vse zavisit ot togo, chto vas bespokoit - nederzhanie mochi, ili zapory ili prosto polnoe vypadenie matki. Rasvitie - obychno uhudshenie opusheniya, no opyat zhe pokazanie k lecheniyu-eto vashi simptomy. Pozhalui samui opasnyi - zaderzhka mochi, vse ostalnyie ne opasny.

02.07.2004, 03:12
Thanks for the answer. Still there are questions: what exercises are recommended for strengthening muscles of a uterus at its or her ptosis? What are not recommended? I do or make charging or charge: knee-bends it is probable, are harmful? Clearly, that it is necessary to limit exercise stresses. Can, the diet is necessary? Though constipations and problems with an emiction are not present, I eat many vegetables and fruit, grain bread, porridges, some meat almost I do not eat.
And more: what do you mean " surgical correcting " words? In consultation have told or said: " when she will drop out, we ascertain the fact and we shall give a direction on excision " (?!)
Natasha of Item