Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, prompt! We with the husband cannot become pregnant year after I...

22.06.2004, 13:07
The doctor, prompt! We with the husband cannot become pregnant year after I have ceased to drink mersilon. Hormones by way of forage DEAS-With which hardly is overestimated. Analyses on venereal and infections all in norm or rate. Earlier beremennostej was not. Have appointed or nominated GSG and follikuloginez. Whether It is possible to spend them in the same cycle? How much dangerous procedure is GSG, whether in sense really to become pregnant in a following cycle if all ok, or then longly to be restored it is necessary? What it is possible to make to become pregnant? Thanks!

The anonym
26.06.2004, 12:52
The husband check up.. spermogrammu start up will make...

28.06.2004, 07:34
Yes it or he it's OK - from it or him earlier already had a pregnancy at other woman. So it is necessary to solve my question. Doctors are?

Kamenetskij B.A.
01.07.2004, 21:50
In a cycle in which it is spent GSG - you should be protected from pregnancy. If it is barrier konratseptsija (condom) that it does not stir or prevent parallel uz-to monitoring of an ovulation. After carrying out GSG in a following cycle to become pregnant it is possible.