Просмотр полной версии : Girls! I cry or pay: pregnancy 9 nadel, I is very glad, but me overcome bo...

21.06.2004, 15:03
Girls! I cry or pay: pregnancy 9 nadel, I is very glad, but me pains and overcome unpleasant sensations, as at a cystitis. What is it the doctor does not speak precisely cystitis, has told or said the conflict of a bladder to a uterus, while they about the identical size can. When I as the newcomer when again excruciates - it is direct up to tears release or let off..., who had that cystitis me will understand. Have advised to drink Phytolysinum, but to me from it or him it is already bad (forces there is no it or him to drink, up to that vile). Who can will tell at whom there were similar problems what did or made and when at last this "conflict" will end? Thanks.

23.06.2004, 23:54
The reasons of a cystitis can be the most different. And the infections which are present at an organism, first of all. And your doctor should spend inspection, appoint or nominate analyses (you have not told or said, whether he did or made it, t. e. On the basis of what has told or said, what at you the conflict of a bubble to a uterus?) if will prove to be true, that vse-taki it is a cystitis - it or he needs to be treated, t. To. He can pererosti in a pyelonephritis that is very undesirable. You do not experience, talk seriously to the doctor (can, with one), pass or take place inspection and are treated. And no trouble there is no, a cystitis - dovolno-taki the widespread disease among pregnant women, simply nothing needs to be started.

26.06.2004, 16:31
Even in hospital laid one and a half week. Handed over a heap of analyses, all good. The only thing in urine through time fiber, pochemu-that, I retake - it's OK (and so already three times). And doctors have told or said, that on such small term of anything, except for Phytolysinum, to accept it is impossible. Here also I hope, it how at others the toxicosis, will pass or take place after 12 weeks can?:)

29.06.2004, 13:24
At me was in the same way, but even in hospital have not found the reason. Sensations that propodali came back, and at night in general it was impossible to sleep. Finally all has passed or has taken place gde-that on the seventh month.

01.07.2004, 16:13
I to you would advise to hold legs or foots in heat (to dress socks warm). At me term was gde-those 8 weeks when there were the sensations similar to a cystitis. I at once - legs or foots in hot water, was washed by hot water, have pulled warm trousers with woolen socks and the pain has gradually passed or has gradually taken place. It is assured, if I have not made it or this, the cystitis to me would be provided. So, the main thing: not studitsja to heat legs or foots and to not despond!!!