Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon to us 21 nedelka. Hospitalized " a becoming infected of a fetus " podoz...

30.06.2004, 19:03
Good afternoon to us 21 nedelka. Hospitalized " a becoming infected of a fetus " suspect hlomidioz. Have appointed or nominated eritroimitsin + an Euphyllinum. The clamidiosis is how much dangerous. I so understand he at me from the very beginning though analyses did not show. What consequences of a becoming infected of a fetus??

Kasabulatov N.S.
01.07.2004, 10:51
At prvilnom treatment all should be normlno. Chlamydias seldom lead to an abortion. There is enough purpose or appointment of an antibiotic: erythromycin, Rovamycinum, vilprafen. Passes or takes place without consequences.