Просмотр полной версии : Hello! On term of 12 weeks the stood pregnancy (8 9 ned is found out...

01.07.2004, 00:19
Hello! On term of 12 weeks the stood pregnancy (8 9 ned) is found out. After cleaning the second week are observed krovjanistye allocation with slime. For the fourth day after abortion of US has shown presence of a liquid of 13 mm and 5 mm of an impregnation. The treating doctor excludes categorically the rests. To a hematometer treated (I do not know as correctly to use a verb) tsiproletom, no-shpa + Oxytocinum, suppositories with Indomethacinum. Now I continue reception of Trichopolum, but allocation do not stop. Yes, it is still appointed or nominated Mersilon. At survey on an armchair the doctor considers or counts povotrnuju cleaning inexpedient, t. To. The picture in dynamics or changes improves. Me very much disturb allocation. How long they can proceed? Also can be them now provokes Mersilon? Thanks.

01.07.2004, 08:01
I shall add. T norms or rates., state of health same.