Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, my wife has a predisposition on a maternal line to VA...

28.06.2004, 18:43
Good afternoon, my wife has a predisposition on a maternal line to a varicose phlebectasia on legs or foots. Now at it or her 5 j month of pregnancy and a leg or foot hurt and swell up, there is a grid. To dress dense stockings we are afraid t. To. There is a pressure upon a stomach or belly. What can you advise?

01.07.2004, 07:28
It is necessary for wife to address to spetsialitsu (to the vascular surgeon, for example) which will pick up for it or her the special stockings distributing or allocating pressure. As prophylaxis she also should have a rest more often and thus to accept horizontal position with little bit raised legs or foots, also the freshening effect gives an alternating douche of the bottom extremities. Success.