Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! This autumn we with the husband plan pregnancy. At me...

29.06.2004, 06:33
Hello, the doctor! This autumn we with the husband plan pregnancy. At me a negative rhesus the factor. Prompt, please, on what is necessary to pay attention both when and where it is necessary to get registered (whether necessarily it should be spetsializirovanyj a maternity home). Thanks!

30.06.2004, 16:09
Consultations online - it is good, but it is better to discuss this question in advance with chosen by you vrachem. Usually rezus-the conflict arises at the second pregnancy, if in time (right after sorts or labors) the special preparation will not be entered. Therefore it is necessary osnovateno to work this question, no trouble in it or this is not present, but advice or council grammotnogo the expert is necessary. And on the Internet (often happens) to you can ponapisat everything and everybody.

01.07.2004, 05:09
JUlja, I in such situation was, and very much I regret, that nobody has prompted me in due time (doctors in Russia will not run up strongly that). If at the husband a positive rhesus to you at the first pregnancy on 28 j to week should enter this preparation (a nyxis in the priest), and he will protect the child up to the extremity or end of pregnancy on a case if your blood will mix up. He is called RhoGAM, and speak in Russia costs or stands dearly or expensively, therefore its or his hospitals have no. If after sorts or labors it will appear, that at the child a blood positive the preparation of mother is entered repeatedly, within 72 hours after sorts or labors. It prevents education of antibodies at mother to a positive blood and does or makes safe repeated pregnancy. If at you yet was not beremennostej (including abortions, abortions) you can safely count on action of this preparation (if you will find it or him) and to give birth or travail in a usual maternity home - any problems will not be. For data, in Staffs or States such nyxis costs or stands hardly more than 100 dollars. Success!