Просмотр полной версии : The answer pozhaljsta. During the sexual certificate or act began to excruciate pains in the field of polovo...

29.06.2004, 06:07
The answer pozhaljsta. During the sexual certificate or act began to excruciate pains in the field of a genital (strongly shchipit as salt on a wound) and in current 2 sometimes consensual allocation wet.
What is it can be, but it is exact not venereal as vsvoem the partner I am assured

Your doctor
30.06.2004, 12:06
Dear Masha, what for you make love to salt, try or taste lushe with black pepper, and find korejtsa, at it or him a member as struchek pepper is even better.

01.07.2004, 04:31
Silly... And it is not ridiculous. Masha, do not pay attention: I make comments on your situation. Most likely, at you a dysbacteriosis of a vagina. Do not hesitate on a visit to the gynecologist, the earlier you will begin treatment, the it will be more successful. But vsyo-taki I would advise to survey also your partner!